The Future of Paid Advertising: Why Video Is King

Remember the last time a catchy jingle or a compelling image made you stop and pay attention? That’s the power of paid advertising. It gives businesses the right online exposure by promoting their content across various platforms at a specified cost.

The online world is brimming with content, yet it’s the video that consistently stands out and commands the lion’s share of attention. 

This shift towards video has been a strategic evolution in paid ads. Below, discuss the future of paid advertising. Let’s focus on how videos offer an unmatched blend of engagement that traditional ads simply can’t compete with.

What Is Paid Video Advertising?

Paid video advertising is a strategic approach in which businesses pay to promote video content across various online platforms. 

Unlike organic videos, which rely on natural reach, paid video ads are boosted to target specific audiences (based on demographics, behavior, and interests). 

This precision ensures the right message reaches the right people at the right time. 

The Current State of Paid Video Advertising

The rise of video in the business world has been nothing short of phenomenal. 

Marketers across various industries recognize that videos are a must-have for effective engagement and communication. A study by Wyzowl reveals that a whopping 91% of businesses are now leveraging video advertising

The same research highlights that an all-time high of 96% of marketers now consider video an essential part of their marketing strategy.

Further, according to Statistica, industry experts in the US reveal that roughly 22% of their digital marketing budgets now go to videos. 

No wonder the digital video ad spending in the US hit around $77 billion last year. The forecast is even brighter, with projections soaring past $100 billion by 2027. 

This rapid growth shows how vital paid video advertising has become in grabbing and holding the audience's attention. 

Sure, organic efforts help. However, if you seek to appear prominently in users’ feeds and search results, investing in paid ads helps quickly scale reach across platforms. 

Why Video Content Reigns Supreme

The video is king because it grabs attention like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It cuts through the noise and delivers messages in an engaging and memorable way. 

Consumers Love Videos 

Consumers love videos because they’re compelling and personal and deliver value right to their screens. 

Whether it’s a quick how-to for fixing a sink or a heartwarming ad that tugs at emotions, videos cater to diverse interests. They fit seamlessly into our busy lives by offering bite-sized moments of inspiration and pure enjoyment. 

Businesses Experience Growth Through Videos

For businesses, videos aren’t just about views - they’re about growth. They help expand the reach and boost brand awareness. 

You can use videos to showcase your products in action or share customer testimonials to build credibility. 

Moreover, they are versatile, which allows you to repurpose them across platforms seamlessly.

Videos are Shareable

Videos have a viral nature. They often spread like wildfire across social media and beyond. 

Whether it’s a humorous clip that brightens someone’s day or a thought-provoking piece that sparks discussions, shareable videos organically boost your brand’s reach. 

They tap into the human desire to connect and engage with compelling content. As such, you can turn viewers into enthusiastic advocates who willingly promote your brand with a simple click of the share button. 

They Reflect Your Brand Personality 

Your brand is more than a logo. It’s a personality, a set of values, and a unique voice. 

Videos offer a perfect way to showcase your brand’s personality authentically. For instance, you can add a touch of humor, sincerity, or creativity to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

They don’t only convey what your brand offers but also who you are as a company - a storyteller, a problem-solver, and someone who cares about its customers. 

What Is the Future of Paid Advertising?

As we gaze into the future of paid advertising, one thing becomes abundantly clear: its significance will only grow stronger with time. 

While trends come and go, the fundamental reason paid ads remain relevant is their ability to deliver targeted, measurable results. 

Here are some more reasons why the future of paid advertising is full of potential.

  • The competition in the digital world is intensifying. New businesses are emerging daily, and each is vying for a slice of customers’ attention. Relying solely on organic reach can be risky in such a saturated market. Thankfully, paid advertising offers a strategic way to get your message across to your target audience. 
  • Consumer behaviors have evolved. Today’s audiences are savvier than ever, with high expectations for personalized experiences and relevant content. This is reason why the future of paid advertising is destined to shine bright. Paid ads allow you to tailor your messages based on demographic data. As a result, you can deliver content that resonates on a more personal level. 
  • Another compelling reason the future of paid advertising is optimistic is its inherent measurability and ROI. Unlike traditional ads, where success metrics can be vague, digital platforms offer analytics that track everything, from impressions to conversions. This data-driven approach allows marketers to optimize their campaigns, allocate budgets more effectively, and maximize ROI. 

Trends Shaping the Future of Paid Video Advertising

Exciting trends are reshaping how brands connect with audiences. The future of paid video advertising promises limitless possibilities for creativity and impact. Below, we share some emerging advancements. 

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) lets your customers step into a virtual world where they can test drive their favorite car or redecorate their home without lifting a finger. It blurs the lines between the digital and physical worlds. 

For brands, AR in paid video advertising opens up new dimensions of engagement. 

It allows users to interact with products in real-time and visualize how they fit into their lives before commiting to a purchase. This way, you empower them to explore your products in a way that feels personal and immediate. 

Personalized Video Ads

One-size-fits-all marketing doesn’t cut it anymore. McKinsey & Company mentions, Consumers demand personalization.”

Paid video ads let you leverage data insights to create tailored experiences that resonate with each viewer. 

For instance, you can:

  • Greet customers by their names
  • Showcase products based on their preferences
  • Recommend solutions based on past interactions. 

With these measures, viewers feel valued and understood. This level of customization enhances engagement and cultivates long-term brand loyalty. 

Interactive Ads

The era of passive viewing is over. Interactive ads are among the most popular trends in the future of paid video advertising. They let users watch videos where they can click to explore different product features, participate in polls, and even take a virtual tour. 

This experience transforms passive spectators into engaged participants. When you turn interest into action, it naturally creates a memorable and long-lasting impression. 

Live Streams

Live streams offer a great way to create authentic connections with your audience. 

Around 24% of survey respondents reveal that they use social media to stream live videos. 

Paid video advertising featuring live streams allows brands to introduce new products, conduct live Q&A sessions, and provide behind-the-scenes glimpses in real-time. 

As such, they invite immediate interaction and boost reach. After all, everyone appreciates transparency and spontaneity from their favorite brands.

One brand that effectively utilizes live streaming in its marketing efforts is Nike. It frequently hosts live streams on YouTube and Instagram to engage with its audience in real-time. 

Influencer Partnerships

We all have those people we trust for recommendations, right? So do your customers. 

Influencer partnerships are growing big in the future of paid video advertising. The market has hit an astounding $24 billion in the US alone. You can team up with influencers who resonate with your values and audience to spread the word about your brand. 

This makes customers feel like they’re getting a recommendation from a friend who knows exactly what they like. These partnerships can, therefore, make your ads more relatable and are likely to spark genuine conversations. 

Innovative Video Ad Strategies for the Future 

Staying ahead now means constantly adapting to new trends. Below, we discuss how some strategies can make your videos more impactful. 

Create Short Form Videos

A short-form video can capture someone’s attention in the blink of an eye. They’re generally 60 seconds long but offer a great way to make content more accessible. No wonder numerous marketers have been investing in it lately. 

These bite-sized videos are perfect for today’s on-the-go lifestyle. You can create a snappy product demo or series of quick tips - the options are endless. However, make sure you: 

  • Focus on a single message. Avoid information that might distract the viewer from your main point. 
  • Start the video with a hook - something intriguing or visually captivating within the first few seconds - to stop the viewer from scrolling. 

Here’s an example of a short-form video from Fresco, a smart kitchen technology brand. The video focuses on a single message and seamlessly explains what the brand is about.

Use Humor

Who doesn’t love a good laugh? Humor allows you to add a dash of quirkiness that resonates with your audience. Whether it’s a witty script or playful animations, it lets you break through the noise and connect on a personal level. However, make sure you: 

  • Incorporate jokes that feel natural and align with your brand’s personality. 
  • Uplift and entertain without causing offense or detracting from your brand’s image. 
  • Tailor your jokes and puns to align with your audience’s interaction. Remember, what might be taken as a joke in one country can be perceived as offensive in another

Here’s how Progressive Insurance used humor with their “Dr. Rick” campaign. The ad highlights humorous situations where new homeowners find themselves unintentionally mimicking their parents’ behaviors. 

Leverage AI 

AI isn’t science fiction anymore. It now understands your audience’s interests and lets you tailor content accordingly. Here’s how. 

  • AL algorithms sift through vast amounts of data (think browsing history, demographics, and real-time behavior) to offer personalization. For instance, a sports apparel company might use AI to target viewers who have previously shown interest in running gear. They can present them with personalized video ads featuring the latest products and drive more conversions. 
  • Automated content creation is another exciting AI application in video ads. Tools like Canva, DeepBrainAI, and Picsart allow you to create videos on the fly. Simply share the prompt, and the tool will handle the rest of the video generation process. Compared to conventional strategies, AI-powered video creation tools reduce budget (and time) by 80%, which is a plus. 

Although AI is commonly utilized in these ways, Heinz, the ketchup brand, took a novel approach to using artificial intelligence for promotion.

The brand collaborated with the AI image generation tool, DALL-E 2, to create various images of ketchup bottles based on text prompts. 

Regardless of the prompt, the tool showed a ketchup bottle similar to Heinz, which allows the brand to reinforce their iconic status. 

Emphasize Emotional Storytelling

Emotional storytelling will redefine the future of paid video advertising. That’s because stories have a magical way of touching hearts and minds. Everyone loves them, and your customers are no different. 

They offer a great way to inspire action and make your customers feel special. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Instead of merely showcasing your product, highlight real stories from your customers. Share how your product or service has made a meaningful impact on their lives. It could be in the form of a testimonial or a touching success story. 
  • Feature stories that showcase how your brand brings people together or supports shared values. This reveals the human side of your brand and shows how it facilitates meaningful connections. 

Take a page out of Apple’s book. The brand used emotional storytelling through its “The Underdogs” series. It showcases a team’s journey and struggles through entrepreneurship, and it resonates with viewers who’ve faced such challenges in their personal lives. 


Videos are the storytellers, the entertainers, and the bridges between brands and their communities. They blend creativity and innovation to stir viewers' emotions. 

So, if you’re a brand looking to stand out and build meaningful connections, know that the future of paid video advertisement seems incredibly promising. Plus, their ability to offer hyper-personalization and the advancements in AI are taking things a step further. The stage is set, and the cameras are rolling. 

What are you waiting for? Let the magic of video ads shape the future of your business.

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October 20, 2024

The Future of Paid Advertising: Why Video Is King

Video content

Remember the last time a catchy jingle or a compelling image made you stop and pay attention? That’s the power of paid advertising. It gives businesses the right online exposure by promoting their content across various platforms at a specified cost.

The online world is brimming with content, yet it’s the video that consistently stands out and commands the lion’s share of attention. 

This shift towards video has been a strategic evolution in paid ads. Below, discuss the future of paid advertising. Let’s focus on how videos offer an unmatched blend of engagement that traditional ads simply can’t compete with.

What Is Paid Video Advertising?

Paid video advertising is a strategic approach in which businesses pay to promote video content across various online platforms. 

Unlike organic videos, which rely on natural reach, paid video ads are boosted to target specific audiences (based on demographics, behavior, and interests). 

This precision ensures the right message reaches the right people at the right time. 

The Current State of Paid Video Advertising

The rise of video in the business world has been nothing short of phenomenal. 

Marketers across various industries recognize that videos are a must-have for effective engagement and communication. A study by Wyzowl reveals that a whopping 91% of businesses are now leveraging video advertising

The same research highlights that an all-time high of 96% of marketers now consider video an essential part of their marketing strategy.

Further, according to Statistica, industry experts in the US reveal that roughly 22% of their digital marketing budgets now go to videos. 

No wonder the digital video ad spending in the US hit around $77 billion last year. The forecast is even brighter, with projections soaring past $100 billion by 2027. 

This rapid growth shows how vital paid video advertising has become in grabbing and holding the audience's attention. 

Sure, organic efforts help. However, if you seek to appear prominently in users’ feeds and search results, investing in paid ads helps quickly scale reach across platforms. 

Why Video Content Reigns Supreme

The video is king because it grabs attention like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It cuts through the noise and delivers messages in an engaging and memorable way. 

Consumers Love Videos 

Consumers love videos because they’re compelling and personal and deliver value right to their screens. 

Whether it’s a quick how-to for fixing a sink or a heartwarming ad that tugs at emotions, videos cater to diverse interests. They fit seamlessly into our busy lives by offering bite-sized moments of inspiration and pure enjoyment. 

Businesses Experience Growth Through Videos

For businesses, videos aren’t just about views - they’re about growth. They help expand the reach and boost brand awareness. 

You can use videos to showcase your products in action or share customer testimonials to build credibility. 

Moreover, they are versatile, which allows you to repurpose them across platforms seamlessly.

Videos are Shareable

Videos have a viral nature. They often spread like wildfire across social media and beyond. 

Whether it’s a humorous clip that brightens someone’s day or a thought-provoking piece that sparks discussions, shareable videos organically boost your brand’s reach. 

They tap into the human desire to connect and engage with compelling content. As such, you can turn viewers into enthusiastic advocates who willingly promote your brand with a simple click of the share button. 

They Reflect Your Brand Personality 

Your brand is more than a logo. It’s a personality, a set of values, and a unique voice. 

Videos offer a perfect way to showcase your brand’s personality authentically. For instance, you can add a touch of humor, sincerity, or creativity to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

They don’t only convey what your brand offers but also who you are as a company - a storyteller, a problem-solver, and someone who cares about its customers. 

What Is the Future of Paid Advertising?

As we gaze into the future of paid advertising, one thing becomes abundantly clear: its significance will only grow stronger with time. 

While trends come and go, the fundamental reason paid ads remain relevant is their ability to deliver targeted, measurable results. 

Here are some more reasons why the future of paid advertising is full of potential.

  • The competition in the digital world is intensifying. New businesses are emerging daily, and each is vying for a slice of customers’ attention. Relying solely on organic reach can be risky in such a saturated market. Thankfully, paid advertising offers a strategic way to get your message across to your target audience. 
  • Consumer behaviors have evolved. Today’s audiences are savvier than ever, with high expectations for personalized experiences and relevant content. This is reason why the future of paid advertising is destined to shine bright. Paid ads allow you to tailor your messages based on demographic data. As a result, you can deliver content that resonates on a more personal level. 
  • Another compelling reason the future of paid advertising is optimistic is its inherent measurability and ROI. Unlike traditional ads, where success metrics can be vague, digital platforms offer analytics that track everything, from impressions to conversions. This data-driven approach allows marketers to optimize their campaigns, allocate budgets more effectively, and maximize ROI. 

Trends Shaping the Future of Paid Video Advertising

Exciting trends are reshaping how brands connect with audiences. The future of paid video advertising promises limitless possibilities for creativity and impact. Below, we share some emerging advancements. 

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) lets your customers step into a virtual world where they can test drive their favorite car or redecorate their home without lifting a finger. It blurs the lines between the digital and physical worlds. 

For brands, AR in paid video advertising opens up new dimensions of engagement. 

It allows users to interact with products in real-time and visualize how they fit into their lives before commiting to a purchase. This way, you empower them to explore your products in a way that feels personal and immediate. 

Personalized Video Ads

One-size-fits-all marketing doesn’t cut it anymore. McKinsey & Company mentions, Consumers demand personalization.”

Paid video ads let you leverage data insights to create tailored experiences that resonate with each viewer. 

For instance, you can:

  • Greet customers by their names
  • Showcase products based on their preferences
  • Recommend solutions based on past interactions. 

With these measures, viewers feel valued and understood. This level of customization enhances engagement and cultivates long-term brand loyalty. 

Interactive Ads

The era of passive viewing is over. Interactive ads are among the most popular trends in the future of paid video advertising. They let users watch videos where they can click to explore different product features, participate in polls, and even take a virtual tour. 

This experience transforms passive spectators into engaged participants. When you turn interest into action, it naturally creates a memorable and long-lasting impression. 

Live Streams

Live streams offer a great way to create authentic connections with your audience. 

Around 24% of survey respondents reveal that they use social media to stream live videos. 

Paid video advertising featuring live streams allows brands to introduce new products, conduct live Q&A sessions, and provide behind-the-scenes glimpses in real-time. 

As such, they invite immediate interaction and boost reach. After all, everyone appreciates transparency and spontaneity from their favorite brands.

One brand that effectively utilizes live streaming in its marketing efforts is Nike. It frequently hosts live streams on YouTube and Instagram to engage with its audience in real-time. 

Influencer Partnerships

We all have those people we trust for recommendations, right? So do your customers. 

Influencer partnerships are growing big in the future of paid video advertising. The market has hit an astounding $24 billion in the US alone. You can team up with influencers who resonate with your values and audience to spread the word about your brand. 

This makes customers feel like they’re getting a recommendation from a friend who knows exactly what they like. These partnerships can, therefore, make your ads more relatable and are likely to spark genuine conversations. 

Innovative Video Ad Strategies for the Future 

Staying ahead now means constantly adapting to new trends. Below, we discuss how some strategies can make your videos more impactful. 

Create Short Form Videos

A short-form video can capture someone’s attention in the blink of an eye. They’re generally 60 seconds long but offer a great way to make content more accessible. No wonder numerous marketers have been investing in it lately. 

These bite-sized videos are perfect for today’s on-the-go lifestyle. You can create a snappy product demo or series of quick tips - the options are endless. However, make sure you: 

  • Focus on a single message. Avoid information that might distract the viewer from your main point. 
  • Start the video with a hook - something intriguing or visually captivating within the first few seconds - to stop the viewer from scrolling. 

Here’s an example of a short-form video from Fresco, a smart kitchen technology brand. The video focuses on a single message and seamlessly explains what the brand is about.

Use Humor

Who doesn’t love a good laugh? Humor allows you to add a dash of quirkiness that resonates with your audience. Whether it’s a witty script or playful animations, it lets you break through the noise and connect on a personal level. However, make sure you: 

  • Incorporate jokes that feel natural and align with your brand’s personality. 
  • Uplift and entertain without causing offense or detracting from your brand’s image. 
  • Tailor your jokes and puns to align with your audience’s interaction. Remember, what might be taken as a joke in one country can be perceived as offensive in another

Here’s how Progressive Insurance used humor with their “Dr. Rick” campaign. The ad highlights humorous situations where new homeowners find themselves unintentionally mimicking their parents’ behaviors. 

Leverage AI 

AI isn’t science fiction anymore. It now understands your audience’s interests and lets you tailor content accordingly. Here’s how. 

  • AL algorithms sift through vast amounts of data (think browsing history, demographics, and real-time behavior) to offer personalization. For instance, a sports apparel company might use AI to target viewers who have previously shown interest in running gear. They can present them with personalized video ads featuring the latest products and drive more conversions. 
  • Automated content creation is another exciting AI application in video ads. Tools like Canva, DeepBrainAI, and Picsart allow you to create videos on the fly. Simply share the prompt, and the tool will handle the rest of the video generation process. Compared to conventional strategies, AI-powered video creation tools reduce budget (and time) by 80%, which is a plus. 

Although AI is commonly utilized in these ways, Heinz, the ketchup brand, took a novel approach to using artificial intelligence for promotion.

The brand collaborated with the AI image generation tool, DALL-E 2, to create various images of ketchup bottles based on text prompts. 

Regardless of the prompt, the tool showed a ketchup bottle similar to Heinz, which allows the brand to reinforce their iconic status. 

Emphasize Emotional Storytelling

Emotional storytelling will redefine the future of paid video advertising. That’s because stories have a magical way of touching hearts and minds. Everyone loves them, and your customers are no different. 

They offer a great way to inspire action and make your customers feel special. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Instead of merely showcasing your product, highlight real stories from your customers. Share how your product or service has made a meaningful impact on their lives. It could be in the form of a testimonial or a touching success story. 
  • Feature stories that showcase how your brand brings people together or supports shared values. This reveals the human side of your brand and shows how it facilitates meaningful connections. 

Take a page out of Apple’s book. The brand used emotional storytelling through its “The Underdogs” series. It showcases a team’s journey and struggles through entrepreneurship, and it resonates with viewers who’ve faced such challenges in their personal lives. 


Videos are the storytellers, the entertainers, and the bridges between brands and their communities. They blend creativity and innovation to stir viewers' emotions. 

So, if you’re a brand looking to stand out and build meaningful connections, know that the future of paid video advertisement seems incredibly promising. Plus, their ability to offer hyper-personalization and the advancements in AI are taking things a step further. The stage is set, and the cameras are rolling. 

What are you waiting for? Let the magic of video ads shape the future of your business.

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